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You Can Not Be Saved If You Cover Your Sins - Proverbs 28:13

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A. We Can Not Prosper by Hiding Our Sins - Proverbs 28:13

B. In I John 3:4, God defines sin as transgression of the law

1. Sin is rebelling, disregarding, ignoring, and being disobedient to God’s Holy Word

2. All of us are guilty of sin – Romans 3:23

3. As a result we will face the consequence of death – Romans 6:23

4. But God sent His Son Jesus Christ to redeem us from our sins – Colossians 1:14

C. One common characteristic that humans tend to have is trying to hide wrong doings we have done to escape the negative consequences – Genesis 3:12-13

1. Man blames Woman

2. Woman blames Satan

D. Many will stubbornly persist and try to cover their sins, in an attempt to justify their sinful lifestyle and hide from God’s judgment, instead of obeying the commands of the gospel of Jesus to be saved – II Corinthains 5:10; John 12:48

E. Let us explore how many try to hide their sins




A. Just Live A Good Moral Life

A number of people believe they will be saved from the wrath of God and live with God in heaven, by just living a good and moral life, however this ploy to hide your sins and be saved will not work

1. In Acts 10:1-2, 36-43, 48, the Bible describes a man that lived a good moral life

2. He was lost in sin until he heard and obeyed the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ


B. Profess Religion

Another way others try to cover up their sins is by professing some religion or some denomination that is not authorized by the Holy Scriptures

1. There is only one true religion or church - Mathew 16:13-18; Galatians 3:27-28; Ephesians 4:5.

2. These individuals may be sincere but scripturally wrong and need to come to obedience of the truth – Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 15:7-9


C. Pervert The Holy Scriptures.

Others, try to hide their sins and escape God’s judgment by perverting the scriptures to justify what they are doing to their own destruction – II Peter 3:16; Galatians 1:6-9. All of these tricks and devices of the devil cannot save you



A. Believe Jesus

Instead of hiding your sins, and being condemned to death, why not believe:

1. Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God that died on the cross

2. God His Father raised Him to life for the forgiveness of your sins, that you might have life in Him

3. Decide to renounce your own will and submit yourself to Jesus to be saved – John 3:16


B. Accept Salvation.

1. Hear the Word of God, the gospel of Christ, the good news that God has sent us peace and reconciliation through His Son – Romans 10:17

2. Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God – John 8:24; Hebrews 11:6

3. Faith in Jesus leads one to the command to repent of your past sins – Luke 13:3; Acts 3:19

4. Confess with your mouth, Jesus is the Son of God – Romans 10:9-10

5. Be baptized in water for the forgiveness of your sins – Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38



A. Are you covering or hiding your sins?

B. Are you tired of playing games with yourself and with God?

C. Why not decide to obey Jesus today and save yourself from the wrath of God on the disobedient.

D. Do not delay, tomorrow is not promise to you, now is the accepted time, and now is the day of salvation. Why not come now as we stand and sing the Savior’s invitation.


Are You Saved?


-- Harry D. Anderson, Jr., March 2009 --


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