1. The whole human family seems to be suffering from an identity crisis.
a. We need to know who we are if we are to function in the modern world.
b. Arthur Schopenhauer
2. God gives us the answer in Genesis 1 and 2.
3. We can know who we are when we know where we can from.
A. The creation account makes it clear we a part of the created order.
1. Genesis 2:7
2. What the human body is composed of.
B. When we ignore the frailty of the human body we pay a severe price.
A. The Image – Genesis 1:26
B. The Breath – Genesis 2:7
C. We are unique and relate to God in a way nothing else can.
E. Three monkeys in a tree.
F. We are the only part of the creation that has the ability to make such an evaluation.
A. We are created to rule.
1. Genesis 1:26
2. Genesis 2:15
B. We are not created to rule other human being but over the rest of the created order.
B. We make choices and are held responsible for them.
C. We have no control over the consequences of our choices but we do have the power to make the choice.
A. God is a social being
B. We are created in His image
1. What a wonder it is!
2. You are a masterpiece!
3. Made in the image of God
4. So you are:
a. physical
b. spiritual
c. moral
d. social being
5. Live like one!
-- Don Treadway, February 2009 -- (See More on Darwin)