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Can We Really Know? John 8:31-32

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"Is it really possible for a person to know the truth?"

There are so many opinions about what the Bible teaches.


"Is truth even attainable in the religious realm?"

These are common questions today.


Consider a few observations from Scripture

1. How can a person be expected to OBEY Christ if he is incapable of knowing what constitutes obedience to Christ? - Hebrews 5:8-9


2. How can a person be expected to ABIDE IN the word of Christ if he is unable to learn and know Christ’s teaching? - John 8:31-32


3. How can a person be expected to PROVE what the Bible says if the truth cannot be distinguished from error? - 1 Thessalonians 5:21; cf. 1 John 4:1


4. How can a person be expected to CONTEND earnestly for the truth if the truth is unattainable? - Jude 1:3


5. How can a person be expected to BEWARE of false teachers if there is no discernible way of telling whether or not they are teaching error? - Matthew 7:15; cf. 2 John 1:7


6. How can a person be expected to SPEAK the truth in love if he is unable to differentiate between truth and error? - Ephesians 4:15


7. How can we UNDERSTAND the will of the Lord if it is unattainable? - Ephesians 5:17


Yes, we can know The Truth

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" - John 8:32; 2 Timothy 3:13-17


And you can know if you are saved


-- Don Treadway, April 2011 --


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